This ebook has been produced by TightVent Europe, It includes a number of selected papers from the 33rd AIVC-2nd TightVent conference held in October 2012 in Copenhagen.

The papers collected in this publication are reprinted with permission of the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC). The AIVC retains the copyright of the papers published in the 2012 conference proceedings but allows TightVent to use it.

TightVent believes this work to be of interest to the field, but has not reviewed the work for errors or omissions. The views given in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of TightVent . TightVent does not warrant that the information in this publication is free of errors. No responsibility or liability can be accepted for any claims arising through the use of the information contained within this publication. The user assumes the entire risk of the use of any information in this publication.