Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in China, Japan and New Zealand, 13 December 2024
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Building Airtightness Impact on Energy Performance (EP) Calculations, 9 December 2024
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Airtightness tests for high-rise buildings, 26 January 2024
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Alternative methodologies to evaluate airtightness, 19 June 2023
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Spain, 9 May 2023
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in France, Belgium and Greece, 4 May 2023
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Inspection of ventilation systems in new regulations in European countries, 30 November 2021
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Impact of wind on airtightness test results, 8 November 2021
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Building airtightness improvements of the building stock – Analysis of European databases, 19 January 2021
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Better Quantifying and Locating Building Leakages, 30 November 2020
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Durability of building airtightness: Assessment through laboratory testing, 21 February 2020
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Durability of building airtightness: Assessment through field measurements, 30 January 2020
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Ductwork airtightness measurements: protocols, 25 April 2019
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Ductwork airtightness: Standardisation’s on- going work and an overview of status and trends in Sweden, Japan, Spain and Portugal, 25 January 2018
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Building airtightness and initiatives to improve the quality of the works, 12 January 2016
Material: Info, Presentations, Recordings
Airtightness testing part 3: Status and trends in competent tester schemes in Denmark, Ireland and Sweden, 20 November 2014
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Airtightness testing part 2: Status and trends in competent tester schemes in Germany, the Czech Republic and France, 22 November 2013
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Airtightness testing part 1: Status and trends in competent tester schemes in the UK and Belgium, 14 November 2013
Material: Flyer, Presentations, Recordings
Building Airtightness Solutions: System approach and characterisation of air barrier and moisture management systems, 8 October 2013
Material: Flyer, Presentations
Building and Ductwork Airtightness: Legislative Drivers, New Concerns and New Approaches, 1 July 2013
Material: Recordings
Building Airtightness Solutions: Recent Research and Characterisation of Sealants and Tapes, 4 June 2013
Material: Flyer, Presentations
The need for structured air leakage databases in energy conservation in buildings policies, 25 May 2012
Material: N/A
Interlaboratory tests for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of airtightness measurements, 11 April 2012
Material: Recordings
Experimental study of supply-only ventilation effectiveness, 16 March 2012
Material: Presentations, Recordings
Flow Balancing – Demonstration of “Mini Balance” Spreadsheet, 13 December 2011
Material: Recordings
Achieving better envelope in practice – Norway, 9 November 2011
Material: Flyer
Airtightness and ventilation perspectives in Romania, 21 June 2011
Material: Presentations