TightVent welcomes BCCA as new partner
BCCA is a multidisciplinary certification body based in Belgium, operating in the construction sector, essentially offering services on request from all sectors, federal or regional authorities and even individual companies. BCCA was founded in 1992. Historically, BCCA has always been particularly active in the fields of buildings, civil engineering (bridges) and sewerage, covering all the techniques used in these fields. A detailed list of certificates and attestations can be found on our website.
Air tightness and ventilation are important activities for BCCA in different ways. We run a quality framework for airtightness testing and one for residential ventilation systems in the Flemish Region in which we certify the competence and measurement equipment of airtightness testers and ventilation reporters and we randomly inspect their airtightness tests and reporting on ventilation systems in dwellings. Furthermore, BCCA performs attestations for the EPB product database for fans, ventilation units and demand controlled ventilation systems