16-17 March 2015, Workshop, Lund – “Ventilation and Airtightness in Buildings : Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance”- Registration is now open
The international workshop on “Ventilation and Airtightness in Buildings : Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance” will be held in Lund, Sweden on March 16-17, 2015. One topic of specific attention will be schemes implemented in various countries to increase the confidence in airtightness test results used in energy performance certificates and to improve the quality of the works. Discussions will be based on analyses of lessons learnt from field data.
This workshop is a joint initiative from: the QUALICHeCK consortium, AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, www.aivc.org), TightVent (Building and Ductwork Airtightness Platform, www.tightvent.eu) and venticool (the international platform for ventilative cooling,www.venticool.eu).
Download the workshop flyer and the latest version of the programme.
>> Visit the QUALICHeCK website for further information