Minneapolis BlowerDoor: The innovative DG-1000 pressure gauge

The DG-1000 convinces with its intuitive use, clear structure, and modern design. Its high-resolution touch screen and intelligent micro-processor provide you with the functions of a modern mini-computer. Users can install the latest firmware updates free of charge at any time. The DG-1000 comes equipped with an integrated WiFi module and the Software TECTITE Express 5.1 for measurements according to ISO 9972 and EN 13829. It is compatible with all presently existing BlowerDoor Measuring Systems and may also be purchased as an upgrade. In combination with the Minneapolis FlowBlaster System the DG-1000 allows the precise measurement of the air flow at supply and exhaust air valves to test the function of ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Further information is available at: www.blowerdoor.com