TightVent newsletter issue #16 – May 2019 now available

The 16th issue of the TightVent newsletter is now available! Specific contents include:
- Foreword
- 15 – 16 October 2019, 40th AIVC – 8th TightVent & 6th venticool conference in Ghent, Belgium
- Feedback from the AIVC Workshop “Quality ventilation is the key to achieving low energy healthy buildings”, 27-28 March 2019, Dublin
- EPBD Article 19a feasibility study on the “inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems”
- TAAC news
- CEN activities
- Recordings & slides from the TightVent webinar of April 25th, 2019 on ductwork airtightness
- Product news from our partners
To download the newsletter please click here.