Calibration is the comparison of measurement values delivered by a device under test with those of a calibration standard of known accuracy. Such a standard could be another measurement device of known accuracy, a device generating the quantity to be …Continue reading →
TightVent Europe has published a list of applicable standards for building and ductwork airtightness. The detailed list can be found here. The graph below shows ductwork airtightness standards in relation to the design and construction process. Ductwork airtightness standards in relation …Continue reading →
TAAC is the TightVent Airtightness Associations Committee, launched in September 2012 by the TightVent Europe platform, with the primary goal to bring together national associations and experts in order to promote reliable testing/inspection and reporting procedures. The scope of TAAC …Continue reading →
Ductwork airtightness can be defined as the resistance to inward or outward air leakage through the ductwork shell. The limit values for the maximum air leakage volume flow in duct systems are defined in the 4 tightness classes A to …Continue reading →
The airtightness of a building is quantified by means of the measured air leakage rate through the building’s envelope in m³/h at a given reference pressure difference, often 50 Pa. The building airtightness may be expressed by other quantities, derived …Continue reading →
Leakage in ventilation duct systems is important to keep to a minimum in order to save energy and keep the designed performance for a good indoor air quality. The tightness can be built by quality products and a professional installation or …Continue reading →
A method of quantifying how much air leaks into or out of an enclosure. EN 13829 gives a standard test method for buildings. Several standards apply to ductwork systems (see also “How is the ductwork airtightness quantified?“). Building airtightness levels can …Continue reading →